Thursday, July 2, 2009

U.S.A clothes.. here again from Last year 2008 and the Rosa Park's doll

I hated some of those then... but I think i'll buy the Kate von D pants/leggings. Sad that they don't create new clothes, though.
Woops, to much america clothes together= not good looking!

Miley 4?

Hi! I read on a blog that the new miley doll was coming out. but it looked kind of ugly, and not like her. So I looked on Superstar dolls and Miley was there, just like with the doll on the blog, she had this first look. But when I was going to dress her up, there was a more good looking doll! Weird, huh? So I guess Stardoll Staff noticed about what people thought about the doll? What do you think?

Look, the first doll and the dress up- doll
The real Miley
